Saturday 28 April 2012

RPNC Banner Winners 2012

Congrats to the "RPNC BLUE FIRE" Netball team 
for winning the Banner Comp today!

Sunday 15 April 2012

Librarian & ICT Mentor ID Cards

Every Librarian and ICT Mentor now has their own ID card which will be displayed on the front counter when they are on duty. The rest of the ID cards will remain on the wall behind the issuing desk so if you need to contact someone to cover a duty you can do so. If you have any queries about Librarians or ICT mentors please ask Whaea Maja. 
Thank you & have a lovely day.

Saturday 7 April 2012


Right! It's a throwdown... the challenge has been set by Mr Lologa.
The object of the game is to teach Whaea Maja how to Dougie...
As we warm up to our school disco we're looking for the best dougier.
The successful heat winners will go on to challenge 
for the title at the RPS DISCO.
So if you missed out on the last heat make sure you keep you're
eyes pealed and come challenge for a spot in the finals.
See you there!
Junior challenge Year 5/6 Boys

Year 0-4 Champs                            Year 5/6 Girl Champs

      Year 7/8 Boys Champs              Year 5/6 Boys Dougie Champs

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Lonny Fair 2012

Once again our annual Lonny Fair was a huge success.
We raised over $1,700.00 which will all go to World Vision 
in order to help Lonny and her Family in Malawi.
I'd like to thank my wonderful Librarians, ICT mentors and 
photographers who helped create the a report which will be uploaded
to Youtube as soon as we are able to finish editing it.
Thank you to everyone who helped by offering their time and
services and especially to those who bought things at our Fair.
Well done RPS what a fantastic effort!
Naku na Whaea Maja :)

 Thank you Ma Brown for co-ordinating such a fantastic day.
Thanks to all students and teachers for your hard work.

Sunday 1 April 2012

Scholastic Book Club orders Issue 2

There are a great selection of books on offer this issue.
Take a look at the brochure and make sure
you have your order in on time.